Economy & Science
Maintaining close links between economy and science is the foundation of being a successful event location. A cosmopolitan attitude and desire for innovation, an entrepreneurial spirit and expertise in trade lie at the core of our commercial success on the River Weser. A variety of famous scientific institutions have made their home in Bremen.
By working closely with the world of business, we can implement new solutions in real life.

Quelle: WFB / Jonas Ginter
Bremen's Driving Forces
Bremen's driving forces have always been a characteristic feature of the city and have made a contribution to its transformation. As Bremen's citizens have always said: "Buten un Binnen, Wagen un Winnen" ("Outside and in, risk it and win"). Since 1899, this motto has stood above the doors of the Schüttings building, the headquarters of Bremen's Chamber of Commerce, in the city's marketplace. Bremen's economy is characterised by specific areas of expertise, which put it among the top 10 major industrial locations in Germany.

Quelle: Universität Bremen / Felix Clebowski
Bremen's Bright Minds
"The wonder on the Weser". That was the title of DIE ZEIT, the weekly news magazine, in 2004 when Bremen and Bremerhaven became the first cities to be awarded the status of City of Science. It is hard to find another German Federal State in which the city and its universities are so closely intertwined as Bremen. Bremen's scientists are busy researching and teaching subjects that will be decisive for the future of our society. In getting to grips with societal challenges and develops new solutions and approaches, their research has gained international prominence and recognition.
Bremen's bright minds have found a home in the city's many different scientific institutions. Bremen has 7 universities, with around 30,000 students participating in 300 academic courses.